Airtel, a major telecom company in India, has recently adjusted its 5G plans following guidance from the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (Trai). Trai requested Airtel and Reliance Jio to clarify their ‘Unlimited 5G data’ offers after Vodafone-Idea raised concerns about possible unfair pricing.
Also read: Trai asks Jio, Airtel to clearly state terms of unlimited 5G data packs
Setting Boundaries for Business Use
Airtel’s changes include a clear update to its fair usage policy (FUP) for 5G unlimited data. The company now states plainly that using more than 300GB of data in a 30-day period falls under commercial usage. This update is meant to make it easier for customers to understand the limits of the unlimited data offer.
Airtel’s 5G Explained
According to the new terms, the ‘Unlimited 5G Data offer’ is like an introduction for Airtel customers to try out the benefits of 5G. If you’re on specific plans with 5G-ready devices and connect to the Airtel 5G Plus network, you can enjoy unlimited 5G data.
Simplified Guidelines for Use
The new terms highlight that these deals are only for personal use and can’t be used for business or special plans. If Airtel sees any commercial or fraudulent activity, they can stop or change the offer to make sure it’s fair for everyone.
Airtel’s 5G Journey
After launching 5G services in October 2022, Airtel claims to cover the entire nation within a year. They introduced Airtel Xstream Air Fiber in Delhi and Mumbai, which is like India’s first wireless home Wi-Fi service powered by Airtel 5G Plus, with plans starting at Rs 499. Airtel aims to provide a straightforward and transparent experience for customers as 5G services evolve in the country.
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Jio and OneWeb Enter Satellite Internet Services
In a different development, Jio Satellite Communications Ltd and Eutelsat OneWeb have received licenses to provide satellite internet services in India. Holding both a pan-India ISP (Internet Service Provider) license and the GMPCS (Global Mobile Personal Communication by Satellite) license, these companies are gearing up to contribute to India’s satellite internet landscape.